Thursday, 15 December 2011

Man Talk, Woman Talk

Man Talk, woman talk, a play by Ola Rotimi showed at the Terrakulture gallery in Lagos on Sunday. I saw the play and i'm not playing, that has to count as one of 2011's best experiences!!

Set in a courtroom, the play focused on two young adults debating sex stereotypes created by the society before a very hilarious judge, who swung from man to woman view as long as anyone of them spoke better, more complicated english, and the jury. Different issues were brought to life from female student sleeping with lecturers for higher exam scores, wearing fake hair and bleaching to men with their "hamlet complex" embezzling funds to keep a swarm of girls eyeing their fancy lifestyle.

They were very many funny moments, the man at some point described women as empty heads, in not so simple vocabulary, in response she talked about men's brains being in the wrong position and permanently upside down, at that point the judge left to use the bathroom, but changed his mind as he got to the door for fear of losing some brain cells... There was also the part where the man described women as devoid of emotions and tried to compare them with inanimate objects but ran out examples! Another really funny bit was when the judge's son bounced into the courtroom, sweaty and dressed in fitted sportswear to present the results of a research that may aid the debate, the look of disdain on the judge's face was side-splitting! Choice of words, from describing men as "perfumed liars with insecticide tongues" to her belief that men had evolved "from glorified homosapiens to he-goats" made her male counterpart shiver and got the audience laughing. I'm not being biased but the woman did a good job defending her gender, especially when the guy called all women prostitutes, she made him eat his words!

Long story short, it was a fabulous production and now I know seeing a stage play is a way better date idea than seeing a movie!


  1. I lovely stage play..By far, I enjoy these African stage plays more than movies. I wonder why Nollywood produces "beneath 6 feet crap" films.99.7% of the movies really are like script written by JSS 2 students of "Iyanfoworogi Grammer School"
    I have seen the plat twice in Pit teather O.A.U. I didnt miss those festival of plays. I saw raw talent and act, the whole set up was delightful. I even orditioned for one of the plays..That act will top one of my 10 craziest moment but I enjoyed it.
    Nice pice Abisco! Taiwo

  2. Always believed that the best actors are on the stage, not in the movies. Ilove stage plays. when we were in school Pit Theatre and i were really close friends. Nice one Abisi. kemmybon

  3. Man talk Woman talk has got to be my best drama experience, asides church drama and those we were forced to watch in secondary school, I don't think I ever saw a stage play till this day!
